Wednesday, December 17, 2014

It's been awhile.

It's been awhile since I've blogged.  Sometimes I should pay more attention to my own sanity by letting my feelings hit the keys to go onto the white paper.  I am feeling a little lost but mostly in an overwhelmed sense.  We are so blessed it's unreal, but busy times as these I want to crash,  burn,  cry, maybe even throw a fit on the floor as if I were a child again. I know that I cannot carry out this crazy,  uncontrolled action,  but I'd like to.  We are in the midst of Christmas,  of deciding to move and leave my home behind.  Yes it's still mine in the literal sense, but it's still my home that i have worked very hard on.  I'm scared of moving,  a new start,  not having a yard per say for our babies.  I'm terrified something will happen to them.  They are my life. My Younique business is thriving in the sales aspect,  but I have been unable to recruit anyone, which is putting me close to missing out on my fast start bonus.  I am struggling with letting go completely of my advocare business while working something I'm more passionate about.   Forgive me for rambling but I didn't feel like writing tonight,  more less tapping out my thoughts.  I am praying over the changes.  I am praying God will change me to accept what we are looking at. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Absolute Raw Truth

The Absolute Raw Truth about it...
What's it you ask?
This morning IT is everything running through my thinker.

First things first- I attended a Young Adult/ college class called Pursuit on Monday night. Yes, the weather was cold, foggy, icy and I should for my own safety have been at home curled up. But over the past month I'm torn, frayed, charred if you will. Why? Home life, family life, friend life are all great so please don't go jumping to conclusions that my whole life is falling apart. It's honestly about more than that. The more than that is ME. I am conflicted about something.  I am unhappy with something. It's ME. But not for the reasons your thinking- "she's not fat, she has a good job, she has a good life...etc" it is because for some reason all the hard work I feel like I have been pushing for is non existent.  Yes it's there. I do have things to show for my hard work. But they are just things. Right now if I was to get in a bind...shoot it better not be a big one. Because I'm not there yet. It looks beautiful from the outside.  But when your missing the number one thing. IT DOESN'T always work. I am missing a solid relationship with my lord. Yes I pray, yes we go to church, but do I ask him his plans for me? Do I follow when he speaks? Do I challenge myself to live a better life? I do, but not the types of challenges and goals I should be working towards. I work every day to make my finances better for my future but the truth is unless God has a hand in will never be enough we need him. That's why it was so important for me in my heart to brave the weather to make it to that young adult/college age Pursuit. I am on the pursuit of a better relationship with God, myself, my future husband, my family, friends and finances. I want to be a godly woman whom people love and adore and want to be around.

Ok, I know your confused. Why the word Rhinoceros.  "I am a Rhinoceros with two inch thick skin and I will charge forward"
I recently read the Rhinoceros success- my January book. It is in fact a leadership book really pinpointing my business. But turns out I got way more out of it than just for my business. I got a champion Rhinoceros attitude. Which means that I this year in 2014 will choose to see things that much more differently. It's why at my full time job I will no longer allow things that I have no control over to bother me. I choose not to whine only to Frey my edges of conflicting more. Why do that to yourself. You have two inch thick skin remember?  You are not a cow who lays in the field all day chewing it's cud. You set goals. You charge them and anything that gets In your way. Reason being I am a Rhinoceros I will not let anything get in the way of my dreams.
Just Dreaming:
●I will pay off my debt in the next three years.
● I will be a wife,  a mother,  a friend,  a daughter,   a sister,  an aunt,  a leader, to the best of my ability always.
● I will lead a champion team full of people who want to fight for a better life for their family...but also for other families who don't know how yet and need a way! 
● i will pin Silver this year.
● I will average 2000-3000 dollars a month by the end of 2014.
● I will pay off
-best buy
-care credit
-Dr McCollum
I am a Rhinoceros- if you get in my way I will run you over!

outside appearences.
The outside appearance is what others see, right?
■ What Is it I desire for people to see when they see me?

How will I accomplish these parts of myself.
♢Strength will come from hard work and lots of determination to wake at 4:30 several days a week. To not whine when it hurts but to power through and finish.
♢smart for me this year is about passing my Certification exam that I have not had the courage thus far to even attempt again. To read and gain more knowledge one book at a time.
♢Happy will come from within. I will choose to be happy. Why? Even in tuff, untrusted times I will trust God. I will look for the good in all situations. I will choose to be happy even when I just want a good slow song and a good cry.
♢Healthy- ADVOCARE
I really don't even need to say more. But I will- I will provide myself and my people with the most optimal, tested, researched products on the planet to fill those nutritional gaps within our food catagories.
♢I will Enjoy life in which in return people will enjoy me.

In ending today (at our Pursuit young adult/college class) - Callan left us with this Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the Lord has plans for me"

Just remember those plans can be altered by your actions.

Wake up and ask God everyday...what are your plans for me TODAY.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

4:30 A.M.

4:30 A.M. is crazy for me to even be thinking about waking up. But what I am here to tell you is its actually FABULOUS! Never thought you would hear me say it? (secret) ME EITHER.

5:00 Bootcamp is hard and challenging but let me tell you the perks are endless. Its 7:15 in the morning and guess what I have already accomplished! I know everyone has always told me its the best time of day to work out…and to do fasting cardio. But guess what I don’t care what the rest of you are doing. I have always been a big believer of doing things your own way…the best way for you. For me it has never been about what’s most of the time i will accomplish something the most backwards way. You want to know why? Because I have always believed in the challenge? Its more challenging to me for me to try and figure out what works best every way possible before: i try your way; or the way everyone else does it. I’m a REBEL. So what! I have accomplished a lot in 23 years the backwards way1 (HA)

7:19 am I have been to bootcamp-

1) Started my lovers truck

2) Had 30 oz of water

3) A Fiber drink for my cleanse

4) A muscle gain shake for breakfast YUM

  • = REECES thats healthy!


6) Washed dishes in sink and loaded dishwasher

7) Washed two loads of clothes

8) Swept whole house

9) fed the dogs

10) I am writing to all my non followers about the backwards way i used to sort of do things.

But backwards way and all my house is clean and i will come home to relax today and start my new thing of SMASH!

Enjoy your day family and friends!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Simply Calm

The last week has been so completely fast and furious….I haven’t slept in days by now. Why? Because its the first of the year and I am anxiously trying to figure out Who i am, what my purpose is, and how i can become a better version of me this year! I will Definately start with getting back into reading my Jesus calling book, along with several other of my comforting prayer devotionals! Finances and debt freedom are next up on the list! Learning to save, coupon, budget are three things that i cannot wait to better myself in, in 2014! I cannot wait to begin bettering my friendships and family life. I want to learn even more about myself this year, I want to take a trip, i want to cross things off all of my different…lists! Maybe i should call them life lists! I love my life and the people in it, but i am in desperate need or organization and self betterment this year! I hope to blog more and even begin with my new smash book! YAY. My newest Christmas gift to my self. I need to exchange my sowing machine so that i can embark on that new adventure as well! Im rambling…in between refreshing my facebook screen a million times in order to watch The Banged Up Beauty Claim to Customize sell…even though i am in a no spend 6 months its fun to look and watch the pieces i help get or help pick out to see what they bring or if they sell!

Have you Checked out Banged up Beauty and my sweet friend Amber Grissom!

Head on over and check her cute stuff out! You will fall in love! Claim to Customize sell is always on the 2nd of the month! People fight over her pieces!

Babe watched football tonight and let me go relax and get an hour long relaxing bath after a crazy, f’d up week ( schedule wise) its not in my routine to have a half and full day off in the middle of the week for two whole weeks…blah! Then Gas and Grocery Shopping at SAMS, but i feel like for 150 dollars we have close to 24 pounds of chicken/ fish, vegetables, fruits etc! We are all set for our new workout schedules. Wes started p90x a week ago and I have to re-kick my dr pepper habit before bootcamp starts monday!  Along with my AdvoCare Cleanse and Performance products we are ready for January 2014 to kick us into shape for a new routine for better people for this year!

Much love


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years Day!

Our New Years Eve was filled with me being a complete whiny baby...because I didn't get what I wanted...when I wanted it. (Your thinking it)...truthfully so am I-    SPOILED BRAT. I am totally at fault. It was stupid and I am thankful the love of my life puts me in my place, when needed. It was something he was enjoying and even though I wasn't because I had made up my mind I wanted to do something was in fact childish of me. A relationship is in fact about both of you. As a matter of fact its something everyone needs to work on at some point. If he enjoys should you because at some point...I bet he will return the favor. Lesson learned! Don't sweat the small stuff. -Jeanna Gordon "there are things to sweat and this isnt one of them."
My best friend is still loving and caring...even when im a brat. Thank you lord for the man of my dreams.  I got my midnight kiss and to spend a sick day alone because my hard worker- in fact had to work! Dinner with my parents and family, friends and dog children. Great new years day (other than the sick part.) I am feeling better and back to my self. My handsome is so tired he is twitching in his sleep. Thankful for 2013- but ready to welcome 2014 and all it has to offer!

Be on the lookout for my 2014 goals and bucket not finished yet! 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A true Purpose

What do you believe your purpose is in this life?

I often wonder about my true purpose…I am not convinced i have found it. Because at the end of the day I still find myself stressed over things that take time to change. I have met the love of my life, bought a cute house while only improving what I can at each points in time, i try and be organized. At the end of the day though I am unable to sleep or even turn off my brain. I have not even began what I don’t even know that I am set out to do.

I want lots of things in life; to name a few below would take days!

  1. I want to be debt free
  2. I want to own my own business
  3. I want to be in complete shape
  4. I want to be a master chef
  5. I want to be super woman ( ok not really)
  6. I want to be a wife
  7. A mother to three
  8. A homemaker
  9. I want to master couponing
  10. I want to blog to remember the great moments in life
  11. I want to Love whole heartedly
  12. I want to leave my family things when I am gone
  13. I want to be a great daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother…and even angel in heaven.
  14. I want to be strong in my faith
  15. tough in parenting ( the tuff ones…are the best ones)
  16. A best friend
  17. a doggy parent
  18. health nut
  19. i want an extraordinary life

Hope you enjoyed my thoughts…because they are spinning through my head!


Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Today I am thankful that we live in a world full of choices! Choices which we make based on what makes us happy, excited, feel pretty, feel right and good! I worked at a job that I feel is perfect for me, with friends I enjoy!  I spent a couple of hours letting someone make me up! Feel beautiful! Dentist apt where I choose what I have done! I got to spend the afternoon wish my grandmother painting nails and chatting over lemonade.  I came home with a choice of what I shall cook for dinner!  Now I lay here by choice in the home I picked as my own doing life by my design.
Thank you Lord